Friday, March 26, 2010

Self Evaluation

Andrew Zwald

For the Demonstration speech for Life Science Communications 101, I presented a speech on “How to Throw a Frisbee.” Starting off my introduction, I began with listing three things that are very unique to Ultimate Frisbee. I felt like this was a good attention getter than just starting my speech with ‘My name is…’ During my introduction, I seemed very nervous and did stumble over a couple words.

I felt like this topic was relevant to anyone who wanted to get active and have some fun while on this campus. The organization of my speech overall, I think was satisfactory. I began with basic throwing, catching, and defensive skills, along with the some basic rules. After my speech was done, I brought the class outside and demonstrated the throws. If I could improve on something, it would be that I should have done my whole speech outside, so I could explain the motions while I was making a throw. In regards to energy and enthusiasm, I felt like I did well, since this is a topic I enjoy very much. Although I felt like my volume was loud enough, I could have pronounced some words a little clearer. During my body and conclusion of my speech, eye contact was not a problem, but could have started off a little stronger. One of my strongest points of my speech was the actual demonstration, when I broke down and showed the mechanics of each of the throws, inside and outside.

Another strong point of my speech was the effective use of a partner to assist in visual aid. This improved the effectiveness of when I was demonstrating how to play defense. I also brought some other disc, just to add something else to look at while I was talking. While doing the throws outside, I felt like it helped the audience see how the Frisbee was suppose to fly.

If I had the chance to do the demonstration speech again, I would keep the same subject. I felt like this topic was a good fit for me and the audience could get something out of it. I would change the location and try to memorize the introduction a little bit better. Another small change I would make was to maybe talk about different Frisbee games, such as Disc Golf. Overall, I felt like I communicated my message very well and showed the audience some of the basics of Ultimate Frisbee.

A link to the videos can be found at

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