Sunday, May 2, 2010

Say cheese! Real vs. Fake Food

One of my favorite foods in the planet, second only to mangos, is cheese. I will put it on my burgers, burritos, chips, and pretty much anything else. The majority of my milk produced on my farm goes into the production of cheese and I have had the privilege of touring many cheese factories. Pollan talks about "real" vs. "fake" food in his book, "In Defense of Food." In the case of cheese, the "fake" cheese is either American cheese or the Velveeta brand cheese. A cheese that may considered a "real" cheese would be a classic cheddar or Monterey cheese.
The process of how to make cheese, according to this link, starts with milk being curdled for 2 hours, more milk is being heated, then left over night. Rennet is added to form curds, which is later strained by cheese cloth to remove the curd from the whey. The remaining product is cheese and is then salted and pressed before being aged.
Processed cheese is often considered a fake food because it is like cheese, but has food coloring, preservatives, and emulsifiers. These add ons, give the cheese an extended life on the shelf in individual packaging or in a can. Since this cheese does not meet certain requirements to be cheese, it is considered a "cheese food."
The process cheese by some is considered less healthy due to the added chemicals as preservatives and emulsifiers. Some pediatricians recommend kids due not eat the foods due to the chemicals. Other scientists feel like the body will not react differently to the chemicals added in the cheese, then to certain chemicals found naturally in food.
Personally, I will continue to eat processed cheese, because I feel it has very little impact in my overall health. Given the choice between natural or processed food, I would take teh natural. Either way, my consumption of cheese will stay constant.

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